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1. Preparatory phase

No! Root canal treatment is performed in one visit, in very difficult cases in two. The computer anaesthesia we use is very comfortable and strong enough to not feel any pain during the procedure and at the same time gentle when administering the anaesthetic.

Definitely yes! We always start by cleaning the teeth and then treating them biologically, so that the mouth is free of any inflammation or caries.

Each doctor is specialised in his or her field, so as a team we complement each other and share our knowledge. With a narrowed specialisation, everyone can become an expert in their own field of dentistry.

A tooth after root canal treatment is weakened because it has been deprived of a large amount of structure within both the crown and the root during treatment from carious lesion. This makes it necessary, in the case of a large loss of tooth tissue, to place a porcelain crown over the tooth to protect it from fracture and to reinforce the root with fibre as a support.

Professional cleaning of the teeth from stains and debris (tartar) is essential so that the dentist can work in clean and safe conditions and not transmit bacteria in the oral cavity. If there is a periodontal disease it is necessary to remove the cause and calm the inflammation. Many times there are carious lesions hiding under the tartar, which are only visible after cleaning.

The first visit is a consultation with Dr Łukasz Bańczyk, during which you will learn about the condition of your mouth, teeth and bones and what solutions we can apply to restore your oral health. Thanks to a wide range of diagnostic tests, the doctor will comprehensively discuss the condition of your bones, teeth and also detect abnormalities and changes that are not visible to the naked eye, such as cysts. You should arrive 30 minutes early for the first appointment in order to fill out the necessary medical documentation, take panoramic X-rays and CT scans (in the case of implant treatment), a virtual model of your teeth and digital images. The doctor will then perform an intraoral examination and explain in an understandable way how to solve the problem and what risks arise from not undertaking treatment.

A panoramic X-ray shows all the teeth and their roots. It is possible to easily detect changes that may arise within the roots of the teeth, the so-called periapical lesions. These cause inflammation and destruction of the teeth, which may lead to their removal. Leaky fillings, cracks or fractures in the enamel below the gum line can also be seen. On a CT scan, the doctor can see the bone structure. Its quantity and quality, which is supposed to provide a stable foundation for the implants. If, after examination, the condition of the bone does not allow for an implant procedure, the doctor can use this to plan a predictable bone reconstruction or sinus lift procedure. Imaging is necessary to develop a treatment plan.

Of course, after your first consultation appointment and your decision to start the treatment process with us, we make a visualisation of your new smile with the possibility of a fitting of your new teeth at your next appointment. This gives you the opportunity to see how you look in your new smile and whether the size, shape and alignment of your teeth match.

Complex treatment involves many stages, e.g. detailed diagnostics with a condylography, biological treatment of teeth, replacement of missing teeth with implants and crowns on implants, bridges or zirconium crowns on own teeth, setting a new bite – orthodontics. This is a complex process that involves many experts (dentist, prosthodontist, physiotherapist, dietician, life couch) and requires specialised equipment.

Comprehensive rehabilitation provides certainty and predictability of treatment. Patients who come in for comprehensive treatment plans often suffer from chronic headaches or temporomandibular joint pains that result from poor occlusion. The underlying cause is an abrasion of the articular disc through, for example, clenching of the teeth caused by stress. This is often accompanied by missing teeth, which has a huge impact on the relationship between the maxilla and mandible. If we function in such a state for a longer period of time, a deformation of the tooth system occurs. The occlusion is also affected by postural defects. A comprehensive approach to the smile improvement uncovers the causes, eliminates them and introduces a new arrangement of teeth, individually adjusted to each patient, so that the bite never returns to its original state.

2. Diagnostic phase

The diagnostic method for the examination of the temporomandibular joints is the VieSID, which is the starting point in Prof. Slavick’s concept of bite rehabilitation. The VieSID concept is based on a holistic approach to the patient. Both from the side of masticatory rehabilitation (bite) and physiotherapy. Based on the patient’s history, examination of the muscles, teeth and cervical spine, a diagnosis is determined and an individual treatment plan for the patient is prepared. The individual approach aims to determine the best alignment of teeth for the patient in order to eliminate, for example, pain, chipping teeth or loose fillings, through orthodontic treatment, prosthetics or rehabilitation composite restorations.

3. Surgery and implantology

An implant is a titanium post that imitates the root of your own tooth. It consists of two parts, one is placed in the bone, which provides a stable base. The other is the pillar on which the crown of the tooth is placed.
The procedure involves gently exposing the gum and placing the implant in the bone. The implant is then sealed via a locking screw to shield it for the healing period and sutured under the gum. After a healing period (depending on the extent of the procedure and the location of the implant) of between three and nine months, the prosthetic stage can proceed.

The implant procedure is completely painless. The same anaesthetic that we use for dental treatment is used for the anaesthesia, and it provides sufficient comfort. However, we will not eliminate the sensation of, for example, pulling the cheek or vibrating during drilling. Full comfort is ensured by anaesthesia, i.e. general anaesthesia. The patient is then supervised by the anaesthetic team and the procedure is completely safe. It is most commonly recommended for patients undergoing very extensive bone grafting procedures and maxillary sinus lifts with simultaneous implantation. No anaesthesia is required for prosthetic treatment.

Before the implant procedure, professional dental hygienization should be performed. If the procedure will be performed under local anaesthesia, no preparation is required beforehand. After the procedure, it is necessary to wait for the anaesthesia to subside to consume beverages and food. Do not brush the surgical site for at least seven days, do not touch the site with your tongue and do not eat hard foods or do heavy physical work. Pain, swelling and bruising may occur after surgery but this is not the rule. Each patient undergoes the healing process individually. The procedure under general anaesthesia requires pre-treatment preparation (necessary blood tests) and abstinence from food and drink for approximately six hours before the planned procedure. After the procedure, the patient is under the care of the anaesthetic team until complete recovery.
Patients who are scheduled for a maxillary sinus lift must be careful not to elevate the pressure within the sinuses within 2 weeks after the procedure. This includes avoiding aeroplane flights and there is a need to lead a very careful lifestyle.

It all depends on the planned procedure. The type of temporary restoration is decided by the doctor based on the bone conditions. Usually the patient will receive a temporary restoration straight away, unless extensive bone reconstruction has been carried out, in which case an individual solution is agreed.

An implant is the best solution for patients who have lost teeth, as it is the most natural form of restoration. They allow us to replace single missing teeth as well as entire toothless arches. They allow us to avoid shaving adjacent teeth in order to make a permanent bridge. Implants are also for edentulous patients who dream of a stable denture or fixed zirconia bridges instead of a removable acrylic denture. Implants make life unbelievably more comfortable.

The bone into which an implant is placed must provide a stable foundation for future prosthetic work. If the patient does not have enough bone for the implant to be sufficiently stable (‘bone-covered’) after the CT scan, it is necessary to rebuild the bone. For this procedure, the patient’s own bone taken during surgery (from the oblique crease) and bone substitute material is used. This procedure requires the experience and manual skills of the operating physician.

The whole process is divided into two stages. The surgical stage, which includes the placement of the implant and any bone regeneration, soft tissue regeneration (gum reconstruction) and sinus lift procedures. Healing after this stage takes (depending on how complex the procedure was) between 3 and 9 months. This is followed by osteointegration of the implant into the bone. The second stage is prosthetic restoration. At this stage, diagnostic tests, scans, the design of the therapeutic work and then the final zirconia work placement are carried out.

Yes, implants are not ferromagnetic, so they are inert during an MRI scan.

4. Prosthetic phase

Prosthetic restorations are crowns, bridges, veneers, onlays and dentures. The type of restoration depends on whether there is a single missing tooth or extensive edentulousness. Regardless of how many missing teeth there are to be restored, we always perform an occlusal diagnosis at the very beginning of the treatment, i.e. we examine what the patient’s occlusion is and what it should be. We then adapt the solutions to the new individual parameters of the jaw relationship. We make the final prosthetic works from zirconium oxide, which is the most tissue-friendly material for soft tissues (gums), does not absorb unpleasant odours from the mouth, is hard and durable, has high aesthetics and does not settle bacterial plaque.

The most comfortable prosthetic solutions are crowns and bridges stabilised on implants when replacing missing teeth. By including all teeth in the planning of a full restoration, the smile makeover is stable over time and does not return to its original alignment.

Because there is a risk that expensive new prosthetic work done to the “old” bite will not work. Teeth will start to move, porcelain will chip, pain in the temporomandibular joint or tinnitus will not subside. Therefore, it is most important in the case of patients with missing teeth or painful conditions to check how the maxilla and mandible should be positioned (these are parameters relating to e.g. the length of the teeth) and the new prosthetic restorations (crowns, bridges, veneers, onlays, inlays, dentures) should be made to the new individual ideal bite settings. This guarantees a long-lasting and predictable result for years to come.

In the case of prosthetic restorations as well as your own teeth, you should take care of your oral hygiene. The rules of tooth brushing do not change (at least twice a day). Floss picks and irrigators are extremely helpful. It is also necessary to have a professional hygienization every six months or according to an individual plan.

Missing teeth, even single ones, should be replaced as soon as possible. The loss of even a single tooth has a negative impact on the occlusion and can cause: tooth displacement, rotation, tilting, seeking contact between opposing teeth. All these consequences lead to malocclusion and loss of further teeth. As a result of malocclusion, patients often complain of pain in the temporomandibular joint, headaches or problems in the gastrointestinal tract (chewing, digestion). They also develop an unattractive appearance due to sunken lips or cheeks and the creation of wrinkles.

Even natural teeth are not for a lifetime, so it is impossible to predict how long implants and prosthetic works will last. If the patient has properly placed prosthetic restorations supported by a full VieSID diagnosis, comes in regularly for check-ups and professional hygienization, and takes care of oral hygiene at home, they can enjoy their new teeth for up to 20 years. By maintaining all the preventive conditions, the implants and prosthetic works have a chance to function properly for a very long time.

5. Orthodontic phase

Orthodontic treatment according to Professor Sato’s concept depends on the defect the patient comes in with. It usually lasts one to two years and ends there. As in classic orthodontics, it is not necessary to systematically replace the retainer, which maintains the occlusion for life.

No, both children and adults can wear braces and will enjoy the results of this treatment.

Yes, because it is the least invasive solution to get your teeth straightened without having to trim them and correct their appearance with crowns or veneers.

Japanese orthodontics is a so-called non-extraction method, which means that no teeth are removed for braces. By its very nature, it also eliminates the need to wear a retainer for the rest of your life, in order to maintain the effects after orthodontic treatment. The special components used help to treat even very difficult cases that are referred for orthognathic surgery.

6. Prophylaxis

Preventive procedures, i.e. teeth cleaning with airflow from deposits (bacterial plaque) and tartar with the use of ultrasound device, are necessary, at least every six months. It guarantees that teeth and gums are kept in good condition, and allows early detection of problems in the oral cavity, e.g. periodontitis, periimplantitis, inflammations leading to bone atrophy and tooth mobility.

Whitening is completely safe with the use of materials with a low concentration of % hydrogen peroxide. We perform different types of whitening depending on the patients’ needs. Yellow teeth will work well with both overlay whitening and in-office whitening. A great solution is the Quick method, which offers two in one: hygienization with immediate whitening in the case of minor tooth colour corrections. In the case of blue and grey shades, it is better to use a combined method, selected individually to the case. The whitening effects last up to one year, depending on the method and the lifestyle and foods consumed. Large amounts of coffee, tea, smoking or large quantities of drinks and foods that stain (e.g. berries, red wine, beetroot) mean that the effect lasts shorter.

A very effective solution is the Vector Paro. It is a device for deep cleaning of tooth roots from deposits and bacteria with simultaneous administration of hydroxyapatite – a component that rebuilds tooth structure. This type of treatment results in rapid regeneration of enamel defects; regular use of this method inhibits the progression of the bone atrophy process. By removing the cause and source of inflammation, the healing process can finally take place.

Regular visits mean certainty and increased control of the condition of the oral cavity. Thanks to this, one can avoid unpleasant consequences related to overlooking e.g. inflammation, which may lead to the loss of an implant or a tooth. During professional hygienization, all tooth structures, spaces and hard-to-reach areas are cleaned very thoroughly. Surfaces near the implant are examined and the condition of the gums and the depth of the gingival pockets are checked. Extended diagnostics are used to eliminate risks and to detect problems early and react quickly.

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